2015.09.14 - 2015.09.15 忘了從什麼時候開始,變的喜歡搭乘大眾交通工具,看看新鮮臉孔,觀察生活在同一個地方的人在做什麼。 Since when I like taking public transportation, watching those faces that I am living with in the same place. 起了個早坐公車到火車站再搭區間車北行苗栗,拜訪17年沒見面的老師,到了目的地的火車站時,她已經在候車室隔著透明玻璃窗,帶著大大的笑容向我揮手,就跟腦海中當年的她一 樣,個性依然爽朗,笑聲仍然清亮。 On the train north to Miaoli visiting my teacher whom I have not seen for 17 years, I saw her in the lobby through the window and was offered a big wave with radiant smile just as same as she did that I ever saw. 雖然是去做客,擺脫不掉打工換宿的習慣,總想著要做些什麼才好,提了桶土在菜園補土的時候順手拔了一些雜草,希望沒有拔到不該拔的東西像是蔬菜或是香草之類的~"~ though I was a guest but I still want to do something for the place, hope I didn't ruin the plants while I was weeding the garden. (~_~;) 早就愛上了慢步調,喜歡坐在可眺望遠景的院子看書發呆喝咖啡,最享受吃飯的時候總有聽不完的故事,沒想到老師是個深藏不露有著10年經驗的背包客,也曾像個俠女騎在馬背上星馳大江南北。 I really enjoy the moment when we were having the meal with the decent German white wine at the dining table, listening the adventurous stories while she was...
在法國打工換宿的期間,鄉下小鎮人家家裡,住在那邊的日常,烹飪沒有什麼炫技,但卻好吃單純,home ma說,法國人不太去餐廳,因為料理過程對他們來說,是種享受和生活的一部份,台灣對於法式料理的印象似乎只有精緻高檔,但那對我實在太過遙遠,反而喜歡家常料理,貼近生活也多了一點溫暖,畢竟那也只不過是幾萬公里外的日常而已。