

目前顯示的是 2017的文章

The catering mission 雙廚出任務

前幾天去了一趟台北跟個好朋友共同執行了小型外燴任務,首次進去大到不知道怎麼逛的濱江市場與現代式海鮮供應商上引水產,東奔西跑的採買各式食材原料,這次討論出來的菜單,大部份我們都不曾實做過,挑了幾樣適合小派對的餐點,例如水牛城辣雞翅,凱撒沙拉,蔬菜棒佐藍紋乳酪醬,玉米片莎莎,火腿培根填餡小蕃茄,金槍魚丸可頌,燻鱒魚新鮮乳酪酸豆捲,含羞草蛋沙拉,當然少不了各式酒類與飲料,雖然已盡力的把整個過程記錄下來,但忙亂中仍有些許遺漏,不過就像美麗的花會凋謝,有時候不完美也是一種美(只能這樣自我安慰了)。 Few days ago I took part in a catering mission with my friend in Taipei, we designed a menu for a small party, such as buffalo wings, Caesar salad, veggie bars with blue cheese sauce, Doritos with salsa sauce, tuna croissant, mimosa egg salad, smoked trout and fresh cheese roll, ham and bacon filling tomato, and of course some alcohol and beverages. we  bought many ingredients from local market, supermarkets, baking supplies, making all dishes from scratch, despite it took us long hours, we gained some experiences from planing a party catering and the mistakes we had during the execution, but it worths. Eventually, everything went so well and we had a blast.